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Wymondham High Academy

2024 Diary Dates

4 July              Cleynderts LHR

4-5 July (Thursday-Friday)   DofE Silver Y10

8th July             Sociology Court Visit   ZRA

8th-11th July       Y8 French Trip SSC

9th July             Y12 Biology Field Work Trip SWA

10th July            Wimbledon Trip BST

10th July            Heritage & Cultural Discovery Trip MPI

11th-13th July        Battlefields Trip HLI

12th July             Purple Picnic in support of Nelson's Journey

16th July            RA Summer Exhibition NMO

18th July             Summer Showcase - Live performance and Exhibition - North Hall 7pm

Thursday 19th September 2024 - 5pm Main School Open Evening for Year 5 &6 Pupils and Parents